Death Nonsense

Attracted to madness

In love with being lost

Hidden, friendless, in a zone creatively relentless

Attracted to solitude

To art

To not defending anything

Considering it all free

To be ripped apart

Attracted to madness

In love with being lost

“Death” I laugh

And they look at me as if I’m mad

As if I’m insane

As if I belong in the psychiatric ward again

Attracted to madness

To fear

Coming closer and closer

To that cosmic pop of the soul

As it’s near

As my cheek presses against its inevitability

Its nature

Its inhuman drive

Its death nonsense –

2 thoughts on “Death Nonsense

  1. This was another one of those things I found relatable in that strange and twisted way my mind works. It was nice to know someone has the same perception of death as me and it was really nice to read it in someone elses point of view.

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