Destined To Die

Destined to die
I cry
The god I didn’t buy
The sun in the sky
The earth
My worth

Fated to decease
To be defeated
And repeated
In another body
I’m anybody

Going to go
I don’t even know
The heart stops
The blood pops
Out the skin

Afraid to bleed
And be taken from those who need
Hard facts
Nailed to the trap
Shot in the back
Or dead sleeping in a sack

I’m Into This

The deep focus and candour
The red lined with amber
The sheet so white it stung
With half a brain half a lung
I saunter

Love is nest, a tribe
With no one to live alone
And war is rich with pain
And death is bought
Again and again

The solid concentration and urge
To fill the page with every single purge
A passing fly
A wish
I’m into this

The Genius

The genius grew

He had but one tooth

Then two

Then a whole set

He was a prodigy

And he wrote

And drew

And played piano

One day you will be rich

Said his father

One day your name will be in lights

The genius grew

He built a machine

And rummaged through another genius’s library

And smoked cigarettes

He didn’t want a girlfriend

What could he talk to her about?

And he did not want to be rich or famous

He got too much attention as it was

His mother called him aloof

His father said he was wasting it

And he would put out his cigarette

And leave the room

The genius grew

“I can make that” he said once

About a new device

And he replicated it just to prove it

“I can do that” he said on seeing someones performance

And he would perform the whole performance from memory

His mother got angry

She said he ought to be earning more with his smarts

She said she couldn’t feed him anymore

So he moved out to a friends

But soon he got tired of his friend

And left wandering town to town

Living off his wits

To see if he could do it

And he could

The genius grew

He lived in a tent by the river

With animals

Ducks, dogs, racoons, skunks, cats

He would fish

Sometimes for men

Put out a pondering question to some passerby

And he would laugh as they thought him some quack or creepo

The genius grew

And published a book that no one read but everyone said was good

The publisher wanted to know why he was barefoot

His mother and father bothered him about money

“I’m alone” he cried but he talked to anyone about anything.

“I’m a dream” he said and he laughed that he was

He drew portraits of common people that could not afford to buy them

He played piano in a tavern but did not drink and would not accept money

The genius grew

At mid life the genius was weary

He had too many ideas

A drunk man bumped into him on the way home one night

They got into a heated conversation

And the drunk man attacked and knocked out his teeth

The genius saw red

He grabbed the drunk man in a fight and throttled him several times

The body went limp

The genius went to jail for murder

The genius grew

In prison he was almost killed

But he survived with his smarts

He grew hardened

And all that time in jail gave him a new interest

And crime was this interest

When he was released he hatched a plan

And robbed a bank

And moved away to an island that was beautiful

And happily lived many days on a beach

The genius grew

He drew tourists for fun

And when his parents died he never went to their funerals

He joined a band as a keyboard player

Sending shivers down spines

Fascinations grew dull and ideas flourished

He sent mathematics to a professor

Who flew out to where he was to discuss it

And the genius was no longer there

The genius grew

He sorted out his retirement

But began dying of a strange disease

Which he cured with certain nutrients

He painted a giant mural

He wrote several articles about aging

And one about love

But he never married

He died on a Saturday

And was cremated

His cabin was full of writing, drawings and musical recordings that he had done alone

And no one knew he was a genius

And he was forgotten

The Skies Alarm

Into the buildings into the arms

Of the men who live hard

They will do no harm

Into the dreams inside their hearts

Ripped from memory

A piece of their art

Into the consciousness

Deep in the psyche

Into the past recollections

Of violence and the like

Into the hearth into the fire

Golden or not

The men are all liars

Up from the pending

Up from the charm

Lift your eyes from the ground

Into the skies alarm

Under Red Skies

under red skies we wept

with dead lies we kept

in terrible lives we slept

under rickety shelters we prayed

the bodies across the lawn layed

and the heads on the sticks displayed

on a death sentence we spat

our hearts glowing with bellies fat

the circle of life and energy flat

under dreams we crept

with dead lies we kept

under red skies we wept.


On the page I let the words spin
Grow a bald spot and tough skin
I stood a spot far off and watched
The coffee shop where we met to talk
In hesitation I took my pill
She talked a bunch about Dr Phil
And I sat and listened with a smile
Thinking it silly all the while
We split a burger and paid half each
Met again at Starbucks the next week

I was a poet who lived in a small room
I got up for the sun and stayed up for the moon
Cigarettes and coffee and rap songs
Cannabis filling the green bong
I had a beard and a bit of belly
Showered infrequent and was kind of smelly
I wrote poems every morning
Had a prescription for wellies which I was snorting
I went for walks and smoked my pipe
Watched a diaper for months it got real ripe

She was a writer with a file of writing
A screenwriter into teeth whitening
Growing plants and petting the cat
A lazy boy chair is where she sat
She drank her beer and went to sleep
Heard voices that came from the deep
And when she woke she was allowed
To hear every voice and she was corralled
Into a corner and she screamed at them
About them she couldn’t give a damn

At Starbucks I met her and we sat down
I was high on kratom and wearing a frown
She did the talking and we parted amicably
And started doing art while watching TV
We talked about mental health and how it goes
And then started a podcast radio show
We got some alcohol and sat at a screen
Played some songs and said what they mean
We joked and laughed and hit the pause
Topics ranging from Elvis to Santa Claus

We remained friends and now are together
We probably will be that way forever
Probably die in each others arm
But I hope neither of us comes to harm
And as we moved from podcasts to other art
We grew as artists lighting the dark
And she went into social justice for the hurt
And continued to do screenplay work
I wrote songs, cartoons and wrote
And she wrote a feature film that didn’t float

An Afterlife

The sky was orange with pain
Not but my skin did remain
And upwards to the sky I knife
Through the atmosphere to an afterlife
My bleeding corpse I am not
Spun to visions I am caught
Like a dream it seems I am so quizzical
Not a body to see cus I am invisible
And into a heaven I stroll
Carrying that days cannabis bowl
In housecoat and socks
I smoke some hash rocks
And before me there is a giant door
And sitting there is my Lord
I fall on my knees and begin to cry
”How was I to know I died
How was I to know when high
When out of my gourd and out of my mind
How was I to know the man I drowned
And the police investigated I was never found
How was I to do something other
Than to harm another
Or to smoke these herbs
And wear no shirt
How was I, a half atheist, to know
That a door was at the end where I go?”
The Lord was polite and looked past me even
As if behind him did not exist heaven
And sighed a sigh of eternal boredom
Of another soul to be a sorting
And when he spoke such a time had passed
In such silence that I didn’t trust this ass
Who sat before the Door Of Time
Getting inside was all that was on my mind
He said “don’t be so ungrateful you made it here
Stay awhile and even have this beer
There is nothing at all you need anymore fear”
What was he a joke or clown
I grabbed the beer and drank it down
I said “how do I get through this massive door
I’ve done nothing to go to a hell for
And heaven must be behind there
And heaven is the subject I want to hear
Am I allowed am I good enough
To waltz right in and bring my stuff
And sit in a heaven completely anew
Let me through why don’t you”
And he gave a laugh and looked at me straight
“Where you think you are you certainly ain’t
And this door here contains nothing besides
A few of us who have recently died
And weed alone doesn’t account for the lacing
Of drugs in your drink
Cus this street is Hastings”.

A Better Sparrow

In the middle of earth
In a class unknown
In a family long dead
In a time barely gone
In a city of lights
In park of trees
I take a break
And lie in the leaves
In a dream unaccomplished
And a reality unseen
In a echo chamber of doubts
I was in since a teen
In a cage of grief
Shot like fish in a barrel
I took the time to be
A better sparrow

In a country of drugs
And a grave for our efforts
In a shield of knowledge
That could do no better
In a violent mistrust
Of everything told
In a precipice of hatred
As I grow very old
Roaming free like a bug
To buzz in your eyes
Filled with such want
In face of all of your lies
Cupid dead
Shot with his own arrow
I took the time to be
A better sparrow

In a whirlwind of jealousy
Greed and such vice
A cold exterior
And a heart of ice
In a tornado of love
In a earthquake of inspiration
I dig my own grave
For my final vacation
Singing higher than heavens
Clearer than God
Calling all the normals
To look how I’m odd
All the way to the core
All the way to the marrow
I took the time to be
A better sparrow

Beautiful Grave

The light shone down from a sun above
And every good person glowed with love
A settling quiet hit the earth
As everyone realized life’s worth
A dream realized a good feeling saved
Dying in peace in a beautiful grave

High above the trees echoing in the clouds
Into the atmosphere no plane is allowed
An emptiness empties and sucks up the world
And even a strapping lad whimpers like a girl
Rapture comes and goes in waves
As the corpses fill a beautiful grave

Almost ecstatic eyes lit with pride
Another great soul has smashed and died
For the earth for the world for all of the people
For the good of mankind and every kind of steeple
Dancing in barns, high at a rave
Till it’s time to retire in a beautiful grave

Kings and paupers and middle class folks
Caught in the wheel caught in the spokes
Climbing to become with riches meaning nothing
An afterlife bought and the seller was bluffing
Not even intelligent and hardly brave
As they saunter along into a beautiful grave

Landing deep in the ocean or up on the moon
Technological advance brings ignorant dooms
And filtered by lies so the truth is not so
Filled with such pride that one cannot let go
Until down in a crest and up in a wave
Until every last person is in a beautiful grave

Night Writer

Late at night
I used to steal out with pen and paper
And write until the dawn

Your so tired
They would say
You’re a drag
She would say
I’m lethargic, I would think

When there was a Denny’s
And I could drink coffee all night
I used to order buffalo wings
And 30 coffees

And I would write
I would write and write and write
What did I write?
How can I say, it was so various, so ambitious
So not now

Where I sit
In my hands
Like the end of a long road of self-criticism
To punch myself once in the head
For my impudence
For my traits
For my love of madness and chaos

And deep in the day
The sun shining I would fall ill
At work
At home
So tired I creep
Task to task
Then when they all go to bed and even I go to bed
When the night is empty
There is nothing to do but sleep
But out I go
Into my car
To Denny’s to write.